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Radiation Projects and Programs

  • Prostate Brachytherapy Reimbursement Program reimburses regional cancer centres for the cost of seeds and needles used in brachytherapy treatments. To be reimbursed, hospitals must follow the patient eligibility criteria from an evidence-based summary for that treatment.
  • Medical Physics Residency Program trains medical physicists to perform competently, professionally and safely in a clinical oncology environment. The program ensures that Ontario will have enough medical physicists to staff cancer centres in the future.
  • Harold E. Johns Studentship Program aims to promote interest in the field of medical physics among undergraduate students. Each studentship recipient is matched with a supervisor at a regional cancer centre to work on projects and complete a final scientific report.
  • Peer Review Quality Assurance is the evaluation of parts of a radiation treatment plan by a second radiation oncologist. All members of the radiation treatment team (i.e., radiation oncologist, medical physicist, radiation therapist) take part in peer review. The process identifies deficiencies in a patient’s proposed treatment plan before treatment begins.
  • Communities of Practice are made up of members who share an interest in a topic and want to deepen their expertise by interacting regularly. This is an effective way to transfer knowledge, share best practices and ensure high-quality care. The Radiation Treatment Program has established Communities of Practice in these specialties:
    • Lung Cancer
    • Head and Neck Cancer
    • Gynaecologic Cancers
    • Radiation Therapy (MRTT)
    • Medical Physics
    • Radiation Safety Officers (RSO)
    • Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist (CSRT)