3 Things Women in Hamilton are Doing to Get Checked for Breast Cancer

  1. Talk to your family doctor or nurse practitioner about getting checked for breast cancer.
  2. Find the nearest Ontario Breast Screening Program site in Hamilton. Eligible women ages 50 to 74 years can call the nearest breast screening site to make an appointment. A doctor’s referral is not needed.
  3. Visit the Screening for Breast Cancer page to learn more about breast cancer and your options for getting checked.

Now that you know how to get checked for breast cancer, what do you intend to do?

Scroll down to take the pledge

Cancer Care Ontario would like to invite you to participate in a research study to understand whether women in Hamilton intend to get checked for breast cancer. You are being invited to participate because you clicked on a Cancer Care Ontario Facebook ad about breast cancer screening. We would like to know what you intend to do now that you know the 3 things you can do to get checked for breast cancer. We would also like to know the neighbourhood you live in. We will not use this information to attempt to identify who you are. Since we cannot identify who you are, this data will not be treated as confidential information.

Please make your selection from the both dropdowns and click on “I’m taking the pledge!” to submit your response. There are no risks or direct benefits associated with your participation in this study.

By telling us this information, you are providing your consent for us to collect this information. We will use it for the purposes of understanding whether women living in Hamilton intend to get checked for breast cancer. We may report the findings of the research in a report or public presentation.