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Report on Take-Home Cancer Medications

Recognizing the challenge and opportunity of take-home cancer medications, Cancer Care Ontario hosted a policy planning and consultation session in May 2014 with partners and stakeholders from across the healthcare spectrum. The event was called “Think Tank: Enhancing the Delivery of Take-Home Cancer Therapies in Ontario.”

Our objective: To explore, in an open and collaborative manner, how to enhance Ontario’s delivery model for take-home cancer medication by examining the following areas (or dimensions) for change:

  • Reimbursement and distribution
  • Information management and
  • information technology

For a copy of the full event proceedings, email us.

What We Heard

Upon collectively considering all participant feedback, four primary themes emerged. Patients, healthcare providers and administrators want:

  • A more integrated system — one that simplifies access to benefits, coordinates care across delivery location and ensures that all providers have access to relevant patient information.
  • A more responsive system — one that delivers services efficiently, minimizing treatment delays.
  • A system that is simpler and more comprehensive, delivering take-home therapies in a model with the same quality standards as hospital-administered treatment.
  • A person-centred system to oversee access and quality of care, regardless of the site of care delivery. A single administrator should monitor access, safety and quality.

Suggested enhancements

For each dimension analyzed, participants suggested ideas to enhance the current Ontario delivery model for take-home cancer medications. Following is a summary of the key ideas, by dimension.

Quality and safety

  • Provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary, standardized patient education
  • Use an electronic method of prescribing with a standardized template
  • Establish guidelines for safely prescribing, dispensing and handling take-home cancer medications
  • Develop patient and provider tools to monitor adherence
  • Create an infrastructure for patient support and side-effect
  • Utilize an integrated error reporting system
  • Provide specialized education, training and support to cancer healthcare providers

Reimbursement and distribution

  • Resolve inequitable cancer drug funding
  • Simplify complex reimbursement processes to support ease of access to timely, integrated quality care
  • Identify best practices for value-based reimbursement

Information Management and Information Technology

  • IM and IT solutions should support continuity of care
  • Simplify the system and reduce its administrative burden
  • Create a system for robust data collection at all points of care
  • Determine the best drug distribution chain for Ontario patients