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Provincial Drug Reimbursement Programs

The Provincial Drug Reimbursement Programs (PDRP) administers funding programs for cancer drugs and services. These programs help patients access novel therapies that may have a significant benefit on prolonging life or improving quality of life.

PDRP also houses the Pharmacoeconomic Research Unit, the Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC) and the Evidence Search and Review Service (ESRS).

Drug Coverage Programs

The Provincial Drug Reimbursement Programs administers several drug funding programs on behalf of the Ministry of Health. If you are a patient looking for drug coverage, visit our Cancer Drug Coverage page and speak to your healthcare team for more information.

New Drug Funding Program

The New Drug Funding Program is a publicly funded drug program under the Ontario Public Drug Programs. The program pays for many newer, and often very expensive, injectable cancer drugs administered in hospitals and cancer centres.

Find out who is eligible, what types of drugs the program funds and how healthcare providers can submit enrolment forms and patient information.

Evidence Building Program

The Evidence Building Program covers the cost of cancer drugs in situations where there is developing, but incomplete evidence of benefits. The program helps to strengthen the process for making drug funding decisions in Ontario.

Find out who is eligible, what types of drugs the program funds and how healthcare providers can submit enrolment and supplemental forms for patients.

Case-by-Case Review Program

The Case-by-Case Review Program considers funding requests for oral and injectable cancer drugs for cancer patients who have rare clinical circumstances that are immediately life threatening, and who require treatment with an unfunded drug because there is no other satisfactory and funded treatment.

Find out who is eligible, what types of drugs the program funds, how oncologists can submit a patient application and pharmacists can submit a claim.

High Cost Therapy Funding Program

The High Cost Therapy Funding Program (HCTFP) is administered by Ontario Health on behalf of the Ministry of Health. The HCTFP was established by Ontario Health in collaboration with the Ministry to provide funding for therapies that require specialized administration or delivery in a hospital setting.

Find out who is eligible, what types of drugs the program funds and how healthcare providers can submit enrolment forms and patient information.

Drug Submissions

The Provincial Drug Reimbursement Program supports the Ministry of Health in the review of new cancer medications.

Review Process

Visit the Ontario Steering Committee for Cancer Drugs for information on the review process for Ontario specific cancer submissions.

Filing a Submission

Visit Drug Submissions for Manufacturers for information on filing a cancer drug submission.