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North West Regional Cancer Program

The North West Regional Cancer Program oversees the quality and delivery of cancer services for the areas reaching from east of White River to the Manitoba border in the west, and from Hudson Bay in the north to the United States border in the south.

Service Partners

Regional Cancer Care Northwest

Regional Cancer Care Northwest is a full-service regional cancer program providing prevention and screening services, diagnostic services, cancer treatment, survivorship services and palliative care services. The regional cancer program serves approximately 250,000 residents of Northwestern Ontario.

Established in 1948, the program consists of a regional cancer centre, located at Thunder Bay

Regional Health Sciences Centre, 13 satellite chemotherapy clinics in partner hospitals, as well as many other diagnostic service partners throughout the North West LHIN. Regional Cancer Care Northwest is a leading champion of telemedicine, enabling patients in our vast region to receive care closer to home.

Partner Hospitals


Cancer Care Ontario Regional Vice-President, North West Regional Cancer Program

Adam Vinet

Adam Vinet

Adam Vinet was appointed Regional Vice-President, Cancer Services for the North West Regional Cancer Program on January 13, 2022. He is also the Executive Vice President, Patient Experience and Chief Nursing Executive at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, a role he has held since August 2021.

As Executive Vice President & Chief Nursing Executive, Adam holds senior leadership responsibility for 9 clinical and administrative programs:

  • Trauma Program, Critical Care, Emergency, Respiratory Services and Nurse Led Outreach Time
  • Surgical & Ambulatory Services
  • Regional Surgical Services
  • Nursing
  • Regional Cancer and Prevention & Screening Clinical Services
  • Patient & Family Centred Care
  • Medicine, Patient Flow, and Partnerships
  • Health Professions and Collaborative Practice
  • Patient Programs

With twenty years of experience in the health care industry, Adam initially worked on the frontlines as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department and has progressed through multiple leadership roles that included Quality Nursing Clinical Coordinator, Emergency Department Manager, Director of Surgery and Ambulatory Services and as part of Ontario Health, Adam was Vice President, Home and Community Care.