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Diagnostic Phase Strategic Plan

Navigating the Diagnostic Phase of Cancer: Ontario’s Strategic Directions is the province’s first strategy with a holistic approach to improving the diagnostic phase of cancer. It was built through extensive consultation with regional partners, patients and clinicians. The plan will ensure we build on our successes and transform care for all Ontarians going through a potential cancer diagnosis.


Strategic Priorities

The 2014–2018 plan presents 4 strategic priorities, which provide a roadmap for thoughtful and incremental changes over 4 years. They will also help drive more evidence-based approaches to cancer diagnosis across the province:

  • Priority 1: Refine and align the scope of Diagnostic Assessment Programs
  • Priority 2: Develop models of navigation for patients during the diagnostic phase
  • Priority 3: Improve patient transitions along the pathway from suspicion to diagnosis, leading to treatment
  • Priority 4: Drive continuous quality improvement during the diagnostic phase