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An Endorsement of the ASCO-SNO Guideline on Therapy for Diffuse Astrocytic and Oligodendroglial Tumors in Adults

Version: 2 ID: GL END 9-10 aoû 2022
Type of Content: Guidelines & Advice, Clinical
Document Status: Current
S. Das, L. Durocher-Allen, C. Hawkins, M. MacDonald, J. Perry, A. Sahgal, and the Adult Gliomas Expert Panel

Guideline Objective:

The objectives of this guideline are to provide guidance to clinicians regarding therapy for diffuse astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumours in adults. Our recommendations are based on the 2021 guideline on “Therapy for Diffuse Astrocytic and Oligodendroglial Tumors in Adults: ASCO-SNO Guideline.”

Patient Population:

The target population is adults with gliomas who have received maximum safe surgical resection.

Intended Guideline Users:

The guideline is intended for oncologists (medical, radiation, neuro-oncology) and neurologists who provide care to people with glioma.


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