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Lignes directrices et conseils

Three-Dimensional MR-Guided Intracavitary and Interstitial Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer

Version: 2 ID: GL 21-2v2 nov 2018
Type of Content: Guidelines & Advice, Clinical
Document Status: Current
D. D’Souza,, M. Milosevic,, J. Brown,, S.E. Ferguson,, E. Leung,, A. Ravi,, MR-Guided Intracavitary and interstitial Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer Expert Panel

Guideline Objective

To assess the added clinical value of magnetic resonance (MR)-guided intracavitary (IC) or MR-guided intracavitary/interstitial (ICIS) brachytherapy (BT), compared with two-dimensional (2D) BT and computed tomography (CT)-guided BT. 

Patient Population

Women with potentially curable, non-operable, locally advanced cervical cancer receiving external beam radiation (with or without chemotherapy) and BT.

Intended Guideline Users

Intended users include radiation and gynecologic oncologists, physicists, dosimetrists and radiation therapists for the purpose of MR-guided IC and ICIS BT for patients with cervical cancer. Administrators and policy makers will also use the guideline for programmatic planning

Research Questions

  1. Does MR-guided IC BT, with or without IS needles and including treatment plan adaptation and optimization, improve tumour control and/or survival and/or reduce harmful side effects compared with conventional 2D-guided BT or CT-guided BT in patients with cervical cancer?
  2. Which patients with cervical cancer benefit from the use of MR-guided ICIS BT compared with MR-guided IC BT alone?
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