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Management of Cancer Medication-Related Infusion Reactions

Guideline Objective

The objective of this guideline is to facilitate a standardized approach to cancer medication-related infusion reactions in Ontario. The guideline is informed by best available evidence and expert consensus, and provides recommendations on assessment, prophylaxis, acute management, and re-challenge (including desensitization). Supporting resources for healthcare providers include an acute management algorithm, a drug table, and a desensitization protocol calculation tool. A patient-information sheet has been developed based on health literacy best practices and patient and caregiver input.

Patient Population

Adult patients receiving systemic treatment.

Intended Guideline Users

Clinicians involved in the care of patients receiving systemic treatment (Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses)

Research Questions




Biological Therapy



Cancer Continuum: 


Guideline Type: 


Cancer Type: 


Type of Content: 

Guidelines & Advice

Authors:  Andrea Crespo, Leta Forbes, Daniela Gallo-Hershberg, Katherine Enright, Vishal Kukreti, Lorraine Martelli, Carlo DeAngelis, Anna Granic, Leonard Kaizer, Melissa Lot, Charmaine Mothersill, Ferid Rashid, Lily Spasic, Leslie Young, Jason Yu Universal Date:  2019-08-31 00:00:00