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( lan-REE-oh-tide )
Other Name(s): Somatuline® Autogel®
Appearance: pre-filled syringe

Medication Information Sheet
lanreotide (lan-REE-oh-tide)
This document provides general information about your medication. It does not replace the advice of your health care professional. Always discuss your therapy with your health care professional and refer to the package insert for more details.

Other Name: Somatuline® Autogel®

pre-filled syringe

What is this medication for?
  • For treatment of neuroendocrine tumours or carcinoid syndrome
What should I do before I have this medication?
  • Tell your health care team if you have or had significant medical condition(s), especially if you have / had:
    • heart, liver or kidney problems,

    • thyroid problems,

    • gallbladder problems,

    • diabetes, or

    • any allergies.

Remember to:

  • Tell your health care team about all of the other medications you are taking.
  • Keep taking other medications that have been prescribed for you, unless you have been told not to by your health care team.
How will this medication affect sex, pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Talk to your health care team about:

  • How this medication may affect your sexual health.
  • How this medication may affect your ability to have a baby, if this applies to you.

This treatment may harm an unborn baby. Tell your health care team if you or your partner are pregnant, become pregnant during treatment, or are breastfeeding.

  • If there is any chance of pregnancy happening, you and your partner together must use 2 effective forms of birth control at the same time until at least 6 months after your last treatment dose (general recommendation). Talk to your health care team about which birth control options are best for you.
  • Do not breastfeed while on this medication.
How is this medication given?
  • This drug is given by injection under the skin.

  • It is usually given every 4 weeks. Talk to your health care team about your treatment schedule.

  • If you (or your caregiver) are giving the injection, your health care team will teach you (or your caregiver) how to give the injection. Talk to your nurse or pharmacist for more information.

  • You may take the medication out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before using it, so that the injection is more comfortable.

  • If you missed your treatment appointment, talk to your health care team to find out what to do.

  • If you take too much of your medication by accident, or if you think a child or a pet may have swallowed your medication, you must call the Ontario Poison Control Center right away at: 1-800-268-9017.

What else do I need to know while on this medication?

Will this medication interact with other medications or natural health products?

  • This medication can interact with other medications, vitamins, foods and natural health products. Interactions can make the treatment not work as well or cause severe side effects.

  • Tell your health care team about all of your:

    • prescription and over-the-counter (non-prescription) medications and all other drugs, such as cannabis/marijuana (medical or recreational)

    • natural health products such as vitamins, herbal teas, homeopathic medicines, and other supplements

  • Check with your health care team before starting or stopping any of them.

What to DO while on this medication:

  • DO check with your health care team before getting any vaccinations, surgery, dental work or other medical procedures.

  • DO test your blood sugar regularly if you are taking any medications for diabetes. This treatment may cause changes in your blood sugar levels.

What NOT to DO while on this medication:

  • DO NOT smoke or drink alcohol while on treatment without talking to your health care team first. Smoking and drinking can make side effects worse and make your treatment not work as well.
  • DO NOT drive, operate machinery or do any tasks that need you to be alert if you feel dizzy.
How should I safely store this medication?
  • Keep in the refrigerator, but do not freeze. Keep out of sight and reach of children and pets.

  • Used needle covers, needles and syringes should never be reused and must always be disposed of in a puncture-proof or “sharps” container given to you by your pharmacist.

  • Ask your pharmacist for help to properly dispose of these items, including the filled container.

  • Do not throw out any unused medications at home. Bring them to your pharmacy to be thrown away safely.

What are the side effects of this medication?

The following table lists side effects that you may have when getting lanreotide. The table is set up to list the most common side effects first and the least common last. It is unlikely that you will have all of the side effects listed and you may have some that are not listed.

Read over the side effect table so that you know what to look for and when to get help. Refer to this table if you experience any side effects while on lanreotide.

Less Common Side Effects (10 to 24 out of 100 people)
Side effects and what to do When to contact health care team

Pains or cramps in the belly

What to look for?

  • Pain or cramps in your belly.
  • Constipation and diarrhea can cause pain in your belly.

What to do?

  • If the pain is severe, gets worse or doesn’t go away, talk to your health care team about other possible causes.
Talk to your health care team if it does not improve or if it is severe.

Nausea and vomiting

(Generally mild)

What to look for?

  • Nausea is feeling like you need to throw up. You may also feel light-headed.
  • You may feel nausea within hours to days after your treatment.

What to do?

To help prevent nausea:

  • It is easier to prevent nausea than to treat it once it happens.
  • If you were given anti-nausea medication(s), take them as prescribed, even if you do not feel like throwing up.
  • Drink clear liquids and have small meals. Get fresh air and rest.
  • Do not eat spicy, fried foods or foods with a strong smell.
  • Limit caffeine (like coffee, tea) and avoid alcohol.

If you have nausea or vomiting:

  • Take your rescue (as-needed) anti-nausea medication(s) as prescribed.
  • Ask your health care team for the Nausea & Vomiting pamphlet for more information.
  • Talk to your health care team if:
    • nausea lasts more than 48 hours
    • vomiting lasts more than 24 hours or if it is severe


Talk to your healthcare team if nausea lasts more than 48 hours or vomiting lasts more than 24 hours or if it is severe.

Mild headache, joint, muscle pain or cramps 

What to look for?

  • Mild headache
  • New pain in your muscles or joints, muscle cramps, or feeling achy

What to do?

  • Take pain medication (acetaminophen or opioids such as codeine, morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone) as prescribed.
  • Rest often and try light exercise (such as walking) as it may help.

Ask your health care team for the Pain pamphlet for more information.


Talk to your health care team if it does not improve or if it is severe.

Gall bladder problems

What to look for?

  • You may have nausea, vomiting or yellowing of your skin or eyes, severe pain and tenderness in the upper right belly.
  • The pain may spread to your right shoulder or back.

What to do?

If you have any of these signs and symptoms, get emergency medical help right away.


Get emergency medical help right away.

High blood pressure

What to look for?

  • There are usually no signs of high blood pressure.
  • Rarely, you may have headaches, shortness of breath or nosebleeds.

What to do?

  • Check your blood pressure regularly.
  • Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat high blood pressure.

If you have a severe headache get emergency help right away as it may be a sign your blood pressure is too high.

Talk to your health care team if it does not improve or if it is severe.

Other rare, but serious side effects are possible.
If you experience ANY of the following, speak to your cancer health care provider or get emergency medical help right away:

  • Redness, itchiness, bruising, rash and/or swelling where you receive your injection 

  • Signs of an allergy such as itchiness, rash, swollen lips, face or tongue, chest and throat tightness

  • Signs of high or low blood sugar such as feeling very thirsty, peeing more than usual, feeling hungry, weak, dizzy or confused

  • Low heart rate or fainting spells

  • Severe diarrhea, clay-coloured stools, or unusually dark pee

  • Pain in the centre of the belly that can spread to your back

  • Difficulty digesting food, oily and smelly stools (poo)

  • Unusual weight loss

  • Problems with hearing, ringing in your ears

  • Feeling more tired or weaker than normal, short of breath


Who do I contact if I have questions or need help?          

My cancer health care provider is: ______________________________________________

During the day I should contact:________________________________________________

Evenings, weekends and holidays:______________________________________________


Other Notes:









June 2024 Revised/Updated information sheet

For more links on how to manage your symptoms go to

The information set out in the medication information sheets, regimen information sheets, and symptom management information (for patients) contained in the Drug Formulary (the "Formulary") is intended to be used by health professionals and patients for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, drug interactions or side effects of a certain drug, nor should it be used to indicate that use of a particular drug is safe, appropriate or effective for a given condition.

A patient should always consult a healthcare provider if he/she has any questions regarding the information set out in the Formulary. The information in the Formulary is not intended to act as or replace medical advice and should not be relied upon in any such regard. All uses of the Formulary are subject to clinical judgment and actual prescribing patterns may not follow the information provided in the Formulary.