An Endorsement of the 2021 Guideline on Chemotherapy in Combination with Radiotherapy for Definitive-Intent Treatment of Stage II-IVA Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: CSCO and ASCO Guideline
Guideline Objective
The objectives of the guideline are to make recommendations regarding the addition of neoadjuvant/concurrent/adjuvant chemotherapy to chemoradiotherapy in the management of locally advanced squamous cell or undifferentiated nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) and to identify the optimal chemotherapeutic regimen that improves overall survival. Our recommendations are based on the 2021 Guideline on Chemotherapy in Combination with Radiotherapy for Definitive-Intent Treatment of Stage II-IVA Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: CSCO and ASCO Guideline
Patient Population
Newly diagnosed patients, eligible for chemotherapy, with locally advanced squamous cell or undifferentiated NPC (stage III or IV).
Intended Guideline Users
Healthcare providers involved in the management of NPC patients.
Research Question(s)
The Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Development Group (GDG) of Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) endorses the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO)/American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommendations of Chemotherapy in Combination with Radiotherapy for Definitive-Intent Treatment of Stage II-IVA Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: CSCO and ASCO Guideline modified by the endorsement process described in this document. They were reprinted with the permission of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and Copyright Clearance Center. Sixteen of the 21 CSCO/ASCO recommendations were endorsed without changes. Four (R 1.1, R 3.3, R 4.1, R 5.1) recommendations were endorsed with modifications and/or clarifications and one recommendation (R 3.4) was not endorsed