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Extra-corporeal Photopheresis in the Management of Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Patients who Have Received Allogeneic Blood or Bone Marrow Transplants: Recommendations

ID: SCT 5 Aug 2013
Type of Content: Guidelines & Advice, Clinical
Document Status: Current
C. Bredeson, R.B. Rumble, N.P. Varela, J. Kuruvilla, C.T. Kouroukis, Stem Cell Transplant Steering Committee

Patient Population

Adult and paediatric patients who have received an allogeneic transplant and are experiencing graft-versus-host disease.

Research Question(s)

Is there a benefit associated with the use of extra-corporeal photopheresis (ECP) compared with other treatment options for patients who have received an allogeneic transplant and are experiencing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) if response rate, survival, or improvement in symptoms are the outcomes of interest?

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