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Ontario Health Confidentiality Agreement for Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package–Release 13

Conditions for the Release and Use of Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package—Release 13

To request your copy of the Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package—Release 13, please submit this form after carefully reviewing the following conditions of use. Each individual requiring access to the Package must complete and submit the form.

The Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package—Release 13 (the “Package”) consists of the following components:

  • the Ontario Cancer Data Files (the “Data”)
  • SEER*Stat software version 8.4.1
  • supporting user materials

Every effort has been made to exclude identifying information from the Data, to ensure the confidentiality of individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer. Certain demographic information, such as sex and age, has been included for planning, management and research purposes.

The Data contains no personal health information and no attempt should be made to identify individuals from the Data. Cell sizes less than 6 have been suppressed to further mitigate risk.

All results using the Data must be presented or published in a manner which ensures that no individual is identifiable.

Conditions of Use

Before completing the form, you must agree to the following conditions of use. Check the box at the end of this list to indicate your agreement:

  1. I will not use, nor permit others to use, the Data in any way other than for health planning, management, and research purposes.
  2. I will not alter the Data, the SEER*Stat software version 8.4.1, and/or the supporting user materials provided in the Package.
  3. I will not disclose, nor permit others to disclose, the Data in full or in part to any person except with the prior written approval of Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario).
  4. I will not share the passwords required to access the Package with any unauthorized person. An “unauthorized person” is any individual who has not submitted this Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) Confidentiality Agreement (“Agreement”) for Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package—Release 13.
  5. I will not publish or present Data in a way by which an individual may be identified.
  6. I will not publish or present any Data containing cell sizes 1 through 5 (though may be denoted with an asterisk). Cell sizes of less than 6 have been suppressed within the Data to mitigate this risk.
  7. I will not attempt to link, nor permit others to link, the Data to individually identifiable records in another database.
  8. I acknowledge and agree that I will not use the de-identified and/or aggregate information, either alone or with other information, to identify an individual. This includes attempting to decrypt information that is encrypted, attempting to identify an individual based on unencrypted information and attempting to identify an individual based on prior knowledge.
  9. If the identity of any person is discovered inadvertently, I will proceed as follows:
    1. I will keep the identity of the person strictly confidential;
    2. I will not use or disclose this information;
    3. I will not attempt to make contact directly or indirectly with the individual to whom the personal health information relates; and
    4. I will immediately notify the Privacy Office of Ontario Health at:, Telephone: 416-217-1816
  10. I will not allow access to the Data to any unauthorized person when the Data is available on a server or a shared computer.
  11. I will not copy, distribute, reverse engineer, profit from its sale or use, or incorporate the Data into any other software system.
  12. Any publication created through the use of Ontario Health Data must include an acknowledgment in the following form: “Parts of this material are based on data and information provided by Ontario Health. The analysis, conclusions, opinions and statements expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of Ontario Health.” Any publication using the Data must be supplied to Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) by emailing
  13. Upon termination of use, I will ensure the secure destruction of all copies of the data files via physical destruction or media sanitization in accordance with industry standards (e.g. Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, IT Media Sanitization ITSP.40.0006; NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-88 Revision 1, Guidelines for Media Sanitization; etc.)
  14. Failure to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement is: (i) cause for termination of this Agreement; and (ii) where applicable, a complaint to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario or equivalent authority.


Your Information

By providing your personal information and submitting this form, you are consenting to receiving email from Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) related to your access to and use of the Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package—Release 13.

If there are multiple applicants from your institution, 1 member of the group must be designated to access and retrieve the data on behalf of the group. Only applicants identified as a designated individual will be able to request login credentials for the secure web-based file transfer system to access the complete Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package-Release 13.

Please note: all applicants from your institution are required to fill out an online Confidentiality Agreement form before data can be disclosed.

Package Disclosure and Security

After your application is approved, we will send you an email with our phone number and other details about how to access and download the full package from our secure web-based managed file transfer system.

For security purposes, you must call us yourself to request your login credentials. You cannot delegate this responsibility to someone else.

During the call, we will verify your identity by asking you to confirm the answer to the security question you provide below.


What is the name of a school you attended? 

Once your team's applications have been submitted and approved, your designated applicant will download the full package and store it in a secure location where the members of your team can access it. Only those individuals who have submitted this form and been approved to access the Ontario Cancer Registry SEER*Stat Package-Release 13 may access the data.

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