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enfortumab vedotin

( en-FORT-ue-mab-ve-DOE-tin )
New Drug Funding Program
  • Enfortumab Vedotin - Previously Treated Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer
Other Name(s): Padcev®
Apparence: colourless to light yellow liquid, mixed into larger bags of fluids
A - Drug Name

enfortumab vedotin


B - Mechanism of Action and Pharmacokinetics

Enfortumab vedotin is an antibody drug conjugate (ADC) targeting Nectin-4, an adhesion protein located on the surface of most urothelial cancer cells. It contains a fully human IgG1-kappa antibody attached to the microtubule-disrupting agent (MMAE) by a protease-cleavable linker. After binding to Nectin-4-expressing cells, the ADC-Nectin-4 complex is internalized, and the MMAE is released via proteolytic cleavage. MMAE disrupts the microtubule network in cells, inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.


68 to 82% (MMAE); MMAE is unlikely to displace or to be displaced by highly protein-bound drugs.


Expected to undergo catabolism to small peptides, amino acids, unconjugated MMAE, and unconjugated MMAE-related catabolites. A small fraction of released MMAE from ADC is metabolized.

Main enzymes involved



MMAE elimination appears to be limited by its rate of release from the ADC; approximately 24% of MMAE is recovered unchanged in feces and urine after a single dose of another ADC.


3.6 days (ADC); 2.6 days (MMAE)

C - Indications and Status
Health Canada Approvals:

  • Urothelial cancer

​​​​​​Refer to the product monograph for a full list and details of approved indications

D - Adverse Effects

Emetogenic Potential:  


Extravasation Potential:   Irritant

The following table lists adverse effects that occurred in > 10% of patients with previously treated unresectable locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer, in a randomized Phase III study. It also includes severe or life-threatening adverse effects from other sources and post-marketing.

Cardiovascular Tachycardia (<10%) E
Dermatological Alopecia (47%) E
Rash (54%) (including hand-foot syndrome) (14% severe) E  D
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (rare) E  D
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (rare) E  D
Gastrointestinal Abdominal pain (20%) E
Anorexia, weight loss (41%) E
Constipation (28%) E
Diarrhea (35%) E
Nausea, vomiting (30%) (1% severe) E
General Fatigue (50%) E
Hematological Myelosuppression ± infection, bleeding (11%) E
Hepatobiliary ↑ LFTs (12%) E
Injection site Infusion site extravasation (1%) I  E
Metabolic / Endocrine Hyperglycemia (11%) (7% severe) E
Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal pain (25%) E
Nervous System Dysgeusia (26%) E  D
Insomnia (11%) E
Peripheral neuropathy (50%) (5% severe) E  D
Ophthalmic Dry eye (24%) (1% severe; including keratitis or keratopathy) E  D
Respiratory Pneumonitis (3%) E  D

* "Incidence" may refer to an absolute value or the higher value from a reported range.
"Rare" may refer to events with < 1% incidence, reported in post-marketing, phase 1 studies,
isolated data or anecdotal reports.

** I = immediate (onset in hours to days)     E = early (days to weeks)
D = delayed (weeks to months)      L = late (months to years)

The most common side effects for enfortumab vedotin include rash, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, alopecia, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dysgeusia and musculoskeletal pain.

Severe skin reactions, including epidermal necrosis, SJS, TEN, symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema, with fatal outcome have been reported with enfortumab vedotin during clinical trials and post-marketing. Adverse reactions mainly occur during the first cycle of treatment, but may occur in subsequent cycles.

Extravasation has been observed following enfortumab vedotin administration. Reactions may be delayed; symptoms may continue to worsen for 2-7 days after extravasation and resolve within 1-4 weeks of the worst symptoms. Ensure good venous access prior to starting treatment. If extravasation occurs during administration, stop the infusion and monitor for adverse reactions.

Hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), including fatal events, have been reported in patients with and without pre-existing diabetes mellitus treated with enfortumab vedotin. Hyperglycemia occurred more frequently in patients with pre-existing hyperglycemia or a high BMI (≥30 kg/m2). The incidence of Grade 3 or 4 hyperglycemia increased consistently in patients with higher BMI or higher baseline HbA1C.  

Peripheral neuropathy, mostly sensory, has been reported in patients with and without pre-existing peripheral neuropathy. The median time to onset was approximately 5 months for Grade ≥ 2.

Severe or life-threatening pneumonitis have been reported with enfortumab vedotin. During clinical trials, the median time to onset was approximately 3 months; two patients experienced fatal events.

Ocular events, mostly corneal disorders or dry eyes, have occurred in clinical trials. The median time to onset was approximately 2 months. Consider prophylaxis for dry eyes with artificial tears. An ophthalmologic referral should be considered if symptoms do not resolve or worsen. 


E - Dosing

Refer to protocol by which patient is being treated. 

Screen for hepatitis B virus in all cancer patients starting systemic treatment. Refer to the hepatitis B virus screening and management guideline.

Premedication (Prophylaxis for Infusion Reactions):

  • Routine premedication is not recommended. No premedication was given for the first dose of enfortumab vedotin during clinical trials.

  • Patients who experience an infusion reaction may be premedicated for subsequent infusions. Premedication may include acetaminophen, an antihistamine (e.g., diphenhydramine hydrochloride), and a corticosteroid given 30–60 minutes prior to each infusion. (Powles 2021)



Intravenous: 1.25 mg/kg* days 1, 8, and 15 q28days 

Subsequent doses should NOT be administered less than 1 week apart.

*Dose is capped at a weight of 100 kg.




Dosage with Toxicity:

Dose Level Enfortumab Vedotin Dose (mg/kg)*
0 1.25
-1 1
-2 0.75
-3 0.5
-4 Discontinue

*For patients ≤ 100 kg. If weight is > 100 kg, dose should be based on 100 kg.


Toxicity Grade/Severity Action
Skin Reactions Grade 1 or  2 Consider topical corticosteroids and antihistamines as needed.
Grade 3, worsening reactions, or suspected SJS or TEN

Hold*. Consider dermatological referral.

Resume at same dose or consider 1 dose level ↓.

Grade 4, recurrent Grade 3, or confirmed SJS or TEN Discontinue.
Hyperglycemia Blood glucose > 13.9 mmol/L

Hold*. Resume at same dose.

Pneumonitis Grade 2

Hold*. Resume at the same dose or consider 1 dose level ↓.

Grade 3 or 4


Peripheral Neuropathy Grade 2


1st occurrence: resume at same dose. 
Recurrence: resume at 1 dose level ↓.

Grade 3 or 4


Ocular Toxicity Any

Consider holding or reducing dose.

Consider ophthalmology referral if symptoms do not resolve or worsen.

Other Non-hematologic Toxicity Grade 3 Hold*. Resume at same dose or consider 1 dose level ↓.
Grade 4


Hematologic Toxicity Grade 2 thrombocytopenia Hold*. Resume at same dose or consider 1 dose level ↓.
Grade 3
Grade 4

Hold*. Resume at 1 dose level ↓ or discontinue.

*Do not restart treatment until blood glucose resolved to < 13.9 mmol/L, and other toxicities < Grade 1.

Dosage with Hepatic Impairment:

MMAE exposure is likely increased in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment.

Hepatic Impairment Enfortumab Vedotin Dose
Child-Pugh A No adjustment required.
Child-Pugh B Not studied; avoid use.
Child-Pugh C

Dosage with Renal Impairment:

No dosage adjustment is required with renal impairment. The effect of end stage renal disease with or without dialysis on the pharmacokinetics of ADC or unconjugated MMAE is unknown.

Dosage in the elderly:

No dose adjustment is required in patients ≥ 65 years of age. No overall differences in efficacy were observed between patients ≥ 65 years and those < 65 years. Patients ≥ 65 years were more like to experience serious adverse events or treatment discontinuation.

Dosage based on gender:

No clinically significant differences on the pharmacokinetics of enfortumab vedotin were observed based on gender.

Dosage based on ethnicity:

No clinically significant differences on the pharmacokinetics of enfortumab vedotin were observed based on ethnicity.


Safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated in children < 18 years of age.

F - Administration Guidelines

  • Reconstitute each vial with Sterile Water for Injection. Swirl gently; do not shake the solution.
  • Dilute in D5W, NS, or Ringer's lactate. Invert infusion bag gently to mix.
  • Final concentration should be 0.3 mg/mL to 4 mg/mL. 
  • Administer as an IV infusion over 30 minutes. Do NOT administer as an IV push or bolus.
  • Do NOT administer other drugs through the same IV line.
  • If extravasation occurs during administration, stop the infusion and monitor for adverse reactions (e.g., skin and soft tissue injury).
  • Do not expose the vials or diluted drug to direct sunlight.
  • Store unopened vials in a refrigerator at 2-8oC. Do not freeze. 

G - Special Precautions

  • Patients who have a hypersensitivity to this drug or any of its components

Other Warnings/Precautions:

  • Do NOT start enfortumab vedotin in patients with pre-existing grade ≥ 2 neuropathy, ongoing clinically significant toxicity from previous treatment, active CNS metastases, uncontrolled diabetes, active keratitis or corneal ulcerations.

Other Drug Properties:

  • Carcinogenicity: Unknown

Pregnancy and Lactation:
  • Embryotoxicity: Yes
  • Fetotoxicity: Yes
  • Mutagenicity: No
  • Genotoxicity: Yes

    Enfortumab vedotin is not recommended for use in pregnancy.  

    • Adequate contraception should be used by patients who can become pregnant and their partners during treatment, and for at least 6 months after the last dose.
    • Adequate contraception should be used by patients who produce sperm and their partners during treatment, and for at least 4 months after the last dose.
  • Excretion into breast milk: Unknown

    Breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose.

  • Fertility effects: Probable

    Testicular toxicity was observed in animals.

H - Interactions

No drug interaction studies have been conducted. 

In vitro, MMAE is a substrate of P-gp and does not inhibit P-gp.

In vitro, MMAE inhibits CYP3A4/5 but not other CYP450 enzymes, and does not induce major CYP450 enzymes. MMAE is predicted not to alter the exposure of CYP3A4 substrates (e.g., midazolam).

Combined strong P-gp and CYP3A4 inhibitors (i.e. ketoconazole) ↑ MMAE exposure by 38%, no changed in ADC exposure (with ketoconazole) ↓ metabolism of MMAE No enfortumab vedotin dose adjustment required. Monitor for adverse reactions closely.
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., clarithromycin, itraconazole, posaconazole, ritonavir, voriconazole) ↑ MMAE exposure (theoretical) ↓ metabolism of MMAE Monitor for adverse reactions closely.
Strong CYP3A4 inducers (i.e. rifampin) ↓ MMAE exposure by 53%, no change in ADC exposure (with rifampin) ↑ metabolism of MMAE Caution; monitor for enfortumab vedotin ↓ therapeutic response.
I - Recommended Clinical Monitoring

Treating physicians may decide to monitor more or less frequently for individual patients but should always consider recommendations from the product monograph.

Refer to the hepatitis B virus screening and management guideline for monitoring during and after treatment.

Recommended Clinical Monitoring

Monitor Type Monitor Frequency


Baseline, before each dose, and as clinically indicated

Liver function tests

Baseline, before each dose, and as clinically indicated

Blood glucose

Baseline and as clinically indicated (more frequently in patients with or at risk for diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia)

Clinical toxicity assessment for infection, bleeding, extravasation, peripheral neuropathy, GI, ocular, respiratory and skin effects

At each visit

Grade toxicity using the current NCI-CTCAE (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events) version

J - Supplementary Public Funding

New Drug Funding Program (NDFP Website )

  • Enfortumab Vedotin - Previously Treated Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer

K - References

ASCO Guidelines: Emetic Risk of Single Intravenous Antineoplastic Agents in Adults. American Society of Clinical Oncology 2020.

Butler, J. et al. Extravasation injury from chemotherapy and other non-antineoplastic vesicants. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. Accessed on June 13, 2022.

CADTH reimbursement recommendation: Enfortumab vedotin (unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer). January 2022.

Enfortumab vedotin and Rifampin. Lexicomp: Interactions. UpToDate, Inc. 2022. Accessed on June 20, 2022.

National Library of Medicine (U.S.). (2018, June - 2020, July). An Open-Label, Randomized Phase 3 Study to Evaluate Enfortumab Vedotin vs Chemotherapy in Subjects with Previously Treated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (EV-301). Identifier NCT03474107. https://

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®). Antiemesis. Version 2.2022, March 23, 2022.

Powles T. et al. Enfortumab Vedotin in Previously Treated Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma. N Engl J Med 2021;384:1125-35.

Prescribing Information: Padcev® (enfortumab vedotin-ejfv). Seagen Inc, Inc. May 2022.

Product Monograph: Padcev® (enfortumab vedotin). Seagen Canada Inc. July 2023.

Summary of Product Characteristics. Padcev® (enfortumab vedotin). Astellas Pharma Ltd. December 5, 2022.

March 2024 Updated Dosing (Dose modification table), Dosage with hepatic impairment, and Pregnancy/lactation sections

L - Disclaimer

Refer to the New Drug Funding Program or Ontario Public Drug Programs websites for the most up-to-date public funding information.

The information set out in the drug monographs, regimen monographs, appendices and symptom management information (for health professionals) contained in the Drug Formulary (the "Formulary") is intended for healthcare providers and is to be used for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects of a particular drug, nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular drug is safe, appropriate or effective for a given condition. The information in the Formulary is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for medical advice and should not be relied upon in any such regard. All uses of the Formulary are subject to clinical judgment and actual prescribing patterns may not follow the information provided in the Formulary.

The format and content of the drug monographs, regimen monographs, appendices and symptom management information contained in the Formulary will change as they are reviewed and revised on a periodic basis. The date of last revision will be visible on each page of the monograph and regimen. Since standards of usage are constantly evolving, it is advised that the Formulary not be used as the sole source of information. It is strongly recommended that original references or product monograph be consulted prior to using a chemotherapy regimen for the first time.

Some Formulary documents, such as the medication information sheets, regimen information sheets and symptom management information (for patients), are intended for patients. Patients should always consult with their healthcare provider if they have questions regarding any information set out in the Formulary documents.

While care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in the Formulary, such information is provided on an “as-is” basis, without any representation, warranty, or condition, whether express, or implied, statutory or otherwise, as to the information’s quality, accuracy, currency, completeness, or reliability.

CCO and the Formulary’s content providers shall have no liability, whether direct, indirect, consequential, contingent, special, or incidental, related to or arising from the information in the Formulary or its use thereof, whether based on breach of contract or tort (including negligence), and even if advised of the possibility thereof. Anyone using the information in the Formulary does so at his or her own risk, and by using such information, agrees to indemnify CCO and its content providers from any and all liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such person’s use of the information in the Formulary.