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Guidelines on Management of Nausea and Vomiting and on Loss of Appetite, Anorexia, and Cachexia in Cancer

ID: ES SMG-2 juin 2018
Type of Content: Guidelines & Advice, Evidence Summary
Document Status: Current
Glenn G. Fletcher, Martin R. Chasen, Lynne Penton

Guideline Objective

This evidence summary was developed to assist the Patient Reported Outcomes and Symptom Management Program of CCO in revising the algorithms on nausea and vomiting (2010) and on loss of appetite (2012).

Patient Population

The target population is adult patients with cancer experiencing symptoms of nausea, vomiting, anorexia, or cachexia. Acute symptoms induced by the current cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) were not the primary focus but major guidelines on this topic have also been included.

Intended Guideline Users

The intended users of this evidence summary are staff of the Patient Reported Outcomes and Symptom Management Program. This evidence summary may also be of interest to physicians and nurses dealing with cancer or palliative care symptom management.

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