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Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE) in the Outpatient Oncology Setting

Research Question(s)

Global Question

  • What are the features, functions and components of a Systemic Therapy (ST) Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE) system that are required to ensure safe, highquality systemic treatment?

Specific Questions

  1. Does ST CPOE decrease medication errors in chemotherapy prescribing compared to usual practice, and if so, what types of errors does it decrease?
  2. Does ST CPOE generate new errors, and if so, what types of new errors does it increase?
  3. What is the impact of ST CPOE on practice (e.g., workflow, workload, team communication)?
  4. What are the strategies that enhance or limit implementation of ST CPOE?
  5. What types of clinical decision supports are available, and are they effective or ineffective?




Guideline Identifier: 


Cancer Continuum: 


Authors:  V. Kukreti R. Cosby A. Cheung S. Lankshear ST CPOE Guideline Development Group Universal Date:  2012-05-08 00:00:00