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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing in Ontario: Implementation Resource Hub

This hub contains tools and resources for primary care providers, colposcopists and other health care providers. This material supports the Ontario Cervical Screening Program’s implementation of HPV testing on March 3, 2025. HPV testing will be used with reflex cytology in cervical screening and as a co-test with cytology in colposcopy for the management of screening-related abnormalities.

Advantages of HPV Testing

  • HPV testing has a higher sensitivity, which means it is better at detecting cervical pre-cancer or cancer than cytology testing alone.
  • HPV testing is objective, which means results are highly consistent and reproducible.
  • HPV testing has a high negative predictive value, which means it is more likely that negative results will correctly identify people who do not have a cervical pre-cancer or cancer and who will not develop a cervical cancer in the next 5 years.
  • HPV testing allows for earlier and more appropriate discharge from colposcopy.

If you have questions, please call Ontario Health toll-free at 1.866.662.9233 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday or email us at

Laboratory Services for HPV Testing

For most health care providers, your lab service provider will not change as the result of HPV testing launch (unless requested).

The following 3 labs will perform all OCSP-related screening and follow-up tests in colposcopy (HPV testing and cytology)*:

  • LifeLabs (1-877-849-3637)
  • Dynacare (1-800-565-5721)
  • North Bay Regional Health Centre (1-888-418-6430)

*There may be exceptions if you are a colposcopist working with an academic training laboratory.

All other community labs will support the program with supply delivery and courier services:

  • Alpha Labs (416-449-2166)
  • Bio-Test (1-800-409-1942)
  • Med-Health (416-256-7278)
  • Medical Laboratories of Windsor (519-258-1991)

Please contact the lab directly with questions about lab services or to arrange courier services.

Thank you for supporting the successful implementation of HPV testing in Ontario.

HPV Testing Resources for Health Care Providers

To request recordings of our webinars for providers who offer cervical screening and/or colposcopy, please send us an email.

Cover letters


Information on key changes in the Ontario Cervical Screening Program and resources for providers offering cervical screening.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy



This new form is the only requisition that providers offering colposcopy can use to order an HPV test for their patients as part of the Ontario Cervical Screening Program. This form is different from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care laboratory requisition.

Providers offering colposcopy should add this to their inventory of test request forms.

Target audience:

Providers offering colposcopy


Instructions on how to complete each section of the new HPV and cytology requisition form for colposcopy.

Target audience:

Providers offering colposcopy


This new form is the only requisition that providers offering cervical screening can use to order an HPV test for their patients as part of the Ontario Cervical Screening Program. This form is different from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care laboratory requisition.

Providers should add the new HPV and cytology test requisition form to their inventory of test request forms in their electronic medical records (EMR). Ontario Health is working with OntarioMD to integrate this requisition into main EMR platforms.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening


Instructions on how to complete each section of the new HPV and cytology requisition form for cervical screening.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Tools and resources


An updated version of the high-level Ontario Cervical Screening Program colposcopy pathways.

Target audience:

Providers offering colposcopy


A summary of the new Ontario Cervical Screening Program screening recommendations and cervical screening cessation recommendations.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening or colposcopy


A summary of the new Ontario Cervical Screening Program recommendations on how to manage cervical screening in primary care after someone has been discharged from colposcopy.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening or colposcopy


Instructions on how to collect a sample from the cervix during cervical screening.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening


Answers to questions about implementing HPV testing and changes to the Ontario Cervical Screening Program.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


Answers to questions about vaginal vault testing.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


Sample cervical screening letters sent to eligible participants, including invitation, recall and result letters.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Evidence summaries


A comprehensive description of the Ontario Cervical Screening Program’s screening and colposcopy recommendations.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A comprehensive description of Ontario Cervical Screening Program’s interim guidance for people ages 21 to 24 who started screening prior to the formal change in the age of initiation for cervical screening.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A comprehensive description of Ontario Cervical Screening Program’s guidance for vaginal vault testing.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy

Declined referral template


A letter a colposcopist can send to a provider to let them know their referral was declined. The letter may include an explanation on the reason for referral decline.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy

Discharge letter templates

Discharge letter template – colposcopist to primary care


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a referring primary care provider when their patient is discharged back into primary care. The discharge letter indicates:

  • the patient's final colposcopy results
  • the recommended risk-based screening interval post-discharge
  • how to manage screening results post-discharge

There are two versions of the letter. Each letter has a different layout to accommodate provider preference and electronic medical record (EMR) software capabilities.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a referring primary care provider when their patient has had a hysterectomy and is discharged back into primary care. The discharge letter indicates whether vaginal vault testing is required based on hysterectomy results.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a referring primary care provider when their patient is discharged back into primary care and has met the screening cessation criteria. The discharge letter indicates the patient's final colposcopy results.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a patient when they are discharged back into primary care. The discharge letter indicates whether the patient received treatment in colposcopy and what their recommended screening interval is post-discharge.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a patient when they have had a hysterectomy and are discharged back into primary care. The discharge letter indicates whether vaginal vault testing is required based on hysterectomy results.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy


A letter that a colposcopist can send to a patient when they are discharged back into primary care and have met the screening cessation criteria. The discharge letter indicates final colposcopy results.

Target audience:

Providers offering cervical screening

Providers offering colposcopy

General Resources to Share with Patients, Public


High-level information on the Ontario Cervical Screening Program for cervical screening participants and the general public. Available in various languages.

Target audience:

Cervical screening participants and the general public


Promotional products to support the launch of HPV testing. Providers may use these products to communicate with the public about HPV testing.

Target audience:

Cervical screening participants and the general public