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Cancer Screening Resources Hub

Welcome to the Cancer Screening Regional Resources Hub – a one-stop resource for communications materials in support of Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario)’s screening programs. These materials can be used at any time.

You can use these resources to:

  • Support public outreach and awareness efforts
  • Increase the visibility and awareness of Ontario’s screening programs through your existing communications channels
  • Engage with the healthcare provider community in your region

If you have any questions regarding these resources or require more information, please contact

The following resources are available to support health care providers and staff, regional cancer programs and Ontario Health regions in cancer screening public awareness efforts. They can be used to communicate information about breast, cervical and colon cancer screening.

Asset Description Download

Key Messages

Key messages on cancer screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer. Key Messages - English
Key Messages - French

Phone Scripts

Use and adapt these scripts for communicating to patients about cancer screening. Phone Scripts - English
Phone Scripts - French

Newsletter Content

Use this content for patient or public-facing newsletters, websites, or other communication channels. Newsletter Content - English
Newsletter Content - French
Newsletter Content – Other Languages

Waiting Room Screen Slides & Screen Savers

Use these for screens in waiting rooms or public spaces, or for computer screens in exam rooms to share information about cancer screening. Available in PDF and PowerPoint formats. Waiting Room Slides & Screen Savers - English
Waiting Room Slides & Screen Savers - French
Waiting Room Slides & Screen Savers Indigenous - Specific Versions

Social Posts

Use this content for social posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share information about cancer screening. Customize for your channels or use in current state. Social Posts - English and French


Available in JPG formats, in English and French, these images have been sized for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but can also be used in newsletter content or on websites. Breast Cancer Screening Graphics
Cervical Cancer Screening Graphics
Colon Cancer Screening Graphics
General Screening Graphics

Cervical Cancer Awareness

Each year, Cervical Cancer Awareness Week will be held from October 3 to 9, 2022. Use the resources below to support public awareness efforts during the week and throughout the year.


Asset Description Download


Postcards to promote cervical screening awareness in your region. Postcard - English
Postcard - French
Postcard – Other Languages


Posters to promote cervical screening awareness in your region. Poster - English
Poster - French
Poster – Other Languages



Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Use the resources below to support public awareness efforts during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and throughout the year.

Asset Description Download


Postcards to promote breast cancer screening awareness in your region. Postcard - English
Postcard - French
Postcard – Other Languages


Posters to promote breast cancer screening awareness in your region.

Poster - English
Poster - French
Poster – Other Languages

Breast Cancer Patient Information Sheet

Information sheet on breast cancer and screening options. English
Other Languages



Colon Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Use the resources below to support public awareness efforts.

FIT Resources

To access postcards, posters and social media posts for the public, as well as resources for primary care providers and endoscopists, please visit

Asset Description Download


Postcards to promote colon cancer screening in your region. Postcard - English
Postcard - French
Postcard - Other Languages


Posters to promote colon cancer screening awareness in your region. Poster - English
Poster - French
Poster - Other Languages

Colon Cancer Check Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet with information on colon cancer and screening options. CCC Fact Sheet - English
CCC Fact Sheet - French
CCC Fact Sheet - Other Languages